

“I will remember that who I am is a figment of my imagination.”
      Then is who you are a figment of your imagination?
      Or is it that you too are a figment of mine?
Is it that all that I can name is a figment of my imagination?
      Homo sapiens, canis lupus, thymus vulgaris, salvelinus fontinalis?
      Mountain, forest, prairie, sea?

I will remember that who I am is a figment of my imagination,
      and that from imagination comes all the rest too:
      me, you, us, them, a world, this world.
If there were no one to imagine, then nothing would be.
      Imagination names and naming identifies and identity is being,
      a clutter of atoms becomes some thing, some one.

In the beginning all was formless and desolate and God said.
      The saying is the making.
      The naming is the birthing.
I will remember that who I am is a figment of God’s imagination,
      I and you, quaking aspen and chipping sparrow, spring tide and aurora borealis,
      all of us, all of this, a figment of God’s imagination.

Thanks be to God.

3 thoughts on “Figment

  1. Hi Tim,
    Great writing and thought provoking. While your blog is a fun read and I certainly believe that all creation springs from the imagination of God, I like to believe that creation is a reality. How else can I explain my free will and your free will? That has to be the way God imagined us. If we did not have free will, would we need Jesus to teach us how to live and worship?

  2. We are figments of God’s imagination being dreamed in One Divine Mind
    A dream within the dream
    Not to seek is to find

    Either play along or long to play
    It makes no difference either way

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