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For God’s Sake, Let Them Be!

For God’s Sake, Let Them Be!

It’s hard for me to be charitable about this …

Struggling Minnesota Church Asks Older Members to Go Away

For the sake of a church that may or may not come to be, Methodist officials are prepared to sacrifice a church that is. Because? Because growth is good. Because bigger is better. Because numbers matter. “Cottage Grove is growing quickly and the church should be growing with it.”

“Should.” “Should” implies judgment. “Should” implies that if Grove United Methodist Church is not growing it has failed.

So many questions beg to be asked! What does growth mean? More people? More money? Or growing in faithfulness? Growing in love? Growing in understanding of who God is and what it means to love God?

What does church mean and what is church for? Does the church exist to aggrandize itself? Is growth, numerical growth, an end in itself, the proper mission of the church? Or does the church exist to love God and love neighbor and serve the world?

Grove United Methodist Church has not failed! The church has a regular and steady attendance of twenty-five: twenty-five men and women and children created in the image of God, twenty-five children and women and men that matter, twenty-five women and children and men that are growing in faith and in faithfulness.

For seven years, church members have been preaching week by week because Methodist officials will no longer pay for a minister. They are doing ministry — not merely an “audience” but active participants, grappling themselves with the meaning of following Jesus and leading themselves in offering God thanksgiving and praise.

And they love each other. Jon Knapp, who along with his wife Stella, are the youngest church members and only family bringing children to church says: “This church is very kind to us and our children.” Stella says that if the church “re-start” comes to fruition, if the current older members are asked to stay away while the church makes it its sole aim to attract a younger crowd, “I wouldn’t come here anymore.” Because the people she loves, the people who love her, would be gone. Because it wouldn’t be church anymore.

And because it will have failed its purpose. “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world,” the apostle Paul urged the Roman church of his day. But that is exactly what the Methodist leadership in Minneapolis has done. They have adopted the standards of this world, this economy, this culture. They have bought into the lie that bigger always means better, that institutions that are not expanding are failing, that if the population of Cottage Grove is growing, then, for God’s sake, we have to keep up.

For God’s sake — I mean this quite literally — for God’s sake, leave God’s church be! Let them be the church: loving God, loving each other, serving the world. Let them reflect not some data driven idea of what the “successful” church “should” look like, but the kind of church God intends, the church made up of the two or three, or ten or twenty-five whoevers that gather in Jesus’ name.

Jesus is there with them. He said he would be. And it just may be that when those old folks are asked to leave, Jesus may leave with them!