

Jorge Garcia was brought into the United States at the age of ten by an undocumented relative thirty years ago. He is married with two children, holds a job, pays taxes, and has committed no criminal offense.

Yesterday, he was deported to Mexico. Because? What possible national interest is served by this deportation? Just following the letter of the law for the sake of following the letter of the law?

“How terrible for you! You hypocrites! You give to God one tenth even of the seasoning herbs, such as mint, dill, and cumin, but you neglect to obey the really important teachings of the Law, such as justice and mercy …” (Jesus)

One thought on “Because?

  1. This is the result of kicking the immigration law can down the road through every administration beginning with George HW Bush. Conservatives don’t want to deal with immigration because illegals are cheap labor. Liberals don’t want to fix immigration law, because they would lose what they think is a winning campaign issue. (They had the chance to pass anything they wanted during the first Obama term.) We have got to stop treating immigrants like a political football and fix our laws to bring clarity and justice to this issue. We must be a nation of law, and our laws must be fair and equally enforced.

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